
Sunday, September 26, 2010

How hot are we?

On Friday Angela put our engagement photos up on her blog!! I am in love. I think I may have squealed a little when I first saw them. They are just… beautiful….  AND we somehow even look attractive (nothing like a little bit of modesty). 

They are a bit hard to see because blogger is a pain and you can't fit big photos on, but if you want, head over to Angela's blog where there a lot more of our awesome photos!

I was going to write a big post on our engagement session and how much fun it was, but I think I can sum it all up by just saying: *sigh* I am in love (with both Justin and Angela).

One final note: I really like my make up a lot better this time around too. My make up lady did my eyes a lot darker. What do you think? Better than before?

P.S. Two months and one day until our wedding! Holy fudge balls!


  1. Wow - the photos are beautiful and you both look gorgeous :D Your makeup looks great too, it's very natural - which is good because you don't wear makeup much right (from what I read in the other post)?

  2. Thanks Chanel. Yeah, I don't wear makeup which means it's great for me that it looks so natural. It's just a better version of me rather than painted face version of me :p

  3. You both look fabulous! Angela did a wonderful job :) I agree about the makeup - lovely and natural/

  4. The key point of the shoot is to keep it natural! It is what made your engagement stand out. I really love how it turned out. Awesome.
